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99% | 4 | GARP | Exact Match! | |||||
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29% | 5 | World's richest country, according to the World Bank | ||||||
noun • an Arab country on the peninsula of Qatar; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1971; the economy is dominated by oil • a peninsula extending northward from the Arabian mainland into the Persian Gulf | ||||||||
24% | 13 | Supporters of the principle 'from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs' | ||||||
noun • a person who belongs to the political left adjective satellite • subscribing to the socialistic doctrine of ownership by the people collectively | ||||||||
Irvings The World According To ___ Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times11 Aug 1979 | Down 39 | GARP |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "The World According to ___"
New York Times -
14 Jul 1997 | New York Times / 14 Jul 1997 |
2 | "The World According to ___": Irving
New York Times -
23 Nov 1981 | New York Times / 23 Nov 1981 |
3 | Supporters of the principle 'from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs' | |
4 | The world's happiest country according to the World Happiness Report | |
5 | The world, according to Pistol, in "The Merry Wives of Windsor"
New York Times -
22 Sep 2005 | New York Times / 22 Sep 2005 |
6 | The world according to Arp
New York Times -
15 Apr 1986 | New York Times / 15 Apr 1986 |
7 | World's richest country, according to the World Bank
New York Times -
20 Jun 2019 | New York Times / 20 Jun 2019 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Hero of a John Irving book
Robin Williams role
John Irving hero
Role for Robin Williams
John Irving protagonist
Irving protagonist
Robin Willaims' role
John Irving character
J. Irving hero
John Irving title character
Title role for Robin Williams
1978 Irving character
"The World According to ___"
"The World According to __" (John Irving's fourth novel)
Title hero in Glenn Close's first major film
John Irving character T. S. ___
1982 Robin Williams title role
Robin Williams film role