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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • An element of ancient Greek theater: the structure at the back of the stage. • A double-edged, leaf-shaped, typically bronze dagger formerly used in Ireland and Scotland. • A quantity of yarn, thread, or the like, put up together, after it is taken from the reel. A skein of cotton yarn is formed by eighty turns of the thread around a fifty-four inch reel. • A web, a weave, a tangle. • The membrane of a fish ovary. • (wagonmaking) A metallic strengthening band or thimble on the wooden arm of an axle. • (provincial England) A group of wild fowl, (e.g. geese, goslings) when they are in flight. • A winning streak. | ||||||||
36% | 5 | Dagger worn as part of Highland dress | ||||||
noun • A quantity of yarn, thread, or the like, put up together, after it is taken from the reel. A skein of cotton yarn is formed by eighty turns of the thread around a fifty-four inch reel. • A web, a weave, a tangle. • The membrane of a fish ovary. • (wagonmaking) A metallic strengthening band or thimble on the wooden arm of an axle. • (provincial England) A group of wild fowl, (e.g. geese, goslings) when they are in flight. • A winning streak. • A double-edged, leaf-shaped, typically bronze dagger formerly used in Ireland and Scotland. | ||||||||
36% | 9 | Dagger parts found in Highland dress | ||||||
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Irish Or Highland Dagger
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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Telegraph Cross Atlantic14 Mar 2023 | Down 31 | |
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