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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to or characteristic of opera | ||||||||
29% | 5 | Lapse (anag.) leaps (anag.); pales (anag.); peals (anag.); pleas (anag.) | ||||||
noun • one of the green parts that form the calyx of a flower | ||||||||
29% | 7 | Angered (anag.); derange (anag.); en garde (anag.); enraged (anag.); grenade (anag.) | ||||||
noun • a nobleman of highest rank in Spain or Portugal | ||||||||
Irate Cop Anag Crossword Clue
There is 1 exact and 154 possible answers.
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OPERATIC which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick25 Apr 2007 | Down 4 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "Cop Killer" singer who went on to play a cop on TV
New York Times -
24 Jan 2012 | New York Times / 24 Jan 2012 |
2 | Angered (anag.); derange (anag.); en garde (anag.); enraged (anag.); grenade (anag.)
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
09 Nov 2023 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 09 Nov 2023 |
3 | In a vexed and irate manner | |
4 | Inflamed or irate state | |
5 | Irate cop becomes histrionic
The Guardian Cryptic -
10 Mar 2010 | The Guardian Cryptic / 10 Mar 2010 |
6 | Kind of fever - irate chum (anag)
The Guardian Quick -
11 Feb 2000 | The Guardian Quick / 11 Feb 2000 |
7 | Lapse (anag.) leaps (anag.); pales (anag.); peals (anag.); pleas (anag.)
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
20 Jun 2023 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 20 Jun 2023 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Like the Metropolitan scene
Like "Aida"
Like a Carreras concert
Like some bass solos
Connected with musical drama
Suitable for La Scala
English apricot crumble can be overdone
Of recitative and arias
Like a musical, the Ring is epic art and moving
Irate cop becomes histrionic
Like "Aida"
Like a Carreras concert
Like some bass solos
Connected with musical drama
Suitable for La Scala
English apricot crumble can be overdone
Of recitative and arias
Like a musical, the Ring is epic art and moving
Irate cop becomes histrionic
Ought little person to meet a jerk like Albert Herring?
Playing pirate in company making a comeback with music
As Dido and Aeneas say, a spirit measure takes time
Histrionic 8 inducted into bizarre erotica
Not very proactive, dithering like Norma?
Extravagantly theatrical; histrionic
Overly theatrical
Melodramatic – like Aida?
Primarily orotund, pronouncedly emotively rococo; alternatively, that involves Carmen?
Playing pirate in company making a comeback with music
As Dido and Aeneas say, a spirit measure takes time
Histrionic 8 inducted into bizarre erotica
Not very proactive, dithering like Norma?
Extravagantly theatrical; histrionic
Overly theatrical
Melodramatic – like Aida?
Primarily orotund, pronouncedly emotively rococo; alternatively, that involves Carmen?