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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 11 | BOXJUNCTION | Exact Match! | |||||
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51% | 10 | Creating hatching or cross-hatching | ||||||
noun • a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood • graphite (or a similar substance) used in such a way as to be a medium of communication • a figure formed by a set of straight lines or light rays meeting at a point • a cosmetic in a long thin stick; designed to be applied to a particular part of the face verb • write, draw, or trace with a pencil | ||||||||
49% | 10 | One of many small lines used in hatching or cross-hatching | ||||||
noun • a very fine line in writing or printing | ||||||||
Intersection With Yellow Painted Cross Hatching
There is 1 exact and 144 possible answers.
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BOXJUNCTION which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Quick crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
Having minimal partitions between areasArouse curiosity
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick10 Mar 2009 | Across 12 | BOXJUNCTION |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Creating hatching or cross-hatching | |
2 | From a French word for an axe, a coarse chopped mixture of recooked meat/potatoes; or, thought to derive from cross-hatching, the # symbol
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
13 May 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 13 May 2023 |
3 | Intersection marked with yellow lines
The Guardian Quick -
21 Oct 2006 | The Guardian Quick / 21 Oct 2006 |
4 | It's often painted Dupont M6284 Yellow, to be totally specific
New York Times Mini -
08 Jan 2021 | New York Times Mini / 08 Jan 2021 |
5 | One of many small lines used in hatching or cross-hatching | |
6 | Spider's hatching pouch
New York Times -
27 Oct 2015 | New York Times / 27 Oct 2015 |
7 | Statement from the proud snake as its eggs were hatching?
New York Times -
24 Sep 2015 | New York Times / 24 Sep 2015 |