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99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a single-reed woodwind with a conical bore • a Belgian maker of musical instruments who invented the saxophone (1814-1894) | ||||||||
44% | 14 | Notable individuals with this syndrome include Leslie Lemke and Alonzo Clemons | ||||||
noun • A condition in which a person with a mental disability, such as an autism spectrum disorder, demonstrates profound and prodigious capacities or abilities far in excess of what would be considered normal. | ||||||||
30% | 8 | Given name of actor Clarence Gilyard Jr. | ||||||
noun • a closed carriage with four wheels and seats for four passengers | ||||||||
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New York Times24 Jan 2012 | Across 65 | |
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3 | Given name of actor Clarence Gilyard Jr. | |
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5 | Notable individuals with this syndrome include Leslie Lemke and Alonzo Clemons | |
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