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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • large tough nonrigid bag filled with gas or heated air • small thin inflatable rubber bag with narrow neck verb • ride in a hot-air balloon • become inflated | ||||||||
34% | 4 | Inflatable rubber item | ||||||
noun • a flat float (usually made of logs or planks) that can be used for transport or as a platform for swimmers • (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent • a foundation (usually on soft ground) consisting of an extended layer of reinforced concrete verb • transport on a raft • travel by raft in water • make into a raft | ||||||||
33% | 5 | ___ bottle (small inflatable bag used in medical procedures) | ||||||
noun • German mathematician who created the Klein bottle (1849-1925) • United States psychoanalyst (born in Austria) who was the first to specialize in the psychoanalysis of small children (1882-1960) • United States fashion designer noted for understated fashions (born in 1942) | ||||||||
Inflatable Rubber Bag
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BALLOON which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick27 Aug 2008 | Across 14 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | Inflatable exercise aid
New York Times -
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2 | Inflatable rubber covering for a wheel | |
3 | Inflatable rubber item
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09 Jul 1990 | New York Times / 09 Jul 1990 |
4 | Inflatable sleepers
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25 Jul 2022 | Eugene Sheffer / 25 Jul 2022 |
5 | Inflatable structure children play on
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07 Jan 2024 | The Guardian Speedy / 07 Jan 2024 |
6 | The “boingy” rebound of a ball; a jump on an inflatable castle; body or vitality in one’s hair; swagger; or, the return of a dishonoured cheque
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
13 May 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 13 May 2023 |
7 | ___ bottle (small inflatable bag used in medical procedures) |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
See 21
Blessing everyone coming in is swell
Inflatable - rapidly expand
Everything in the present is likely to go up
Dance with nothing on but a party decoration
Kind of bike tire
Rapidly expand benefit to include everyone
Air-filled bag
Party staple suggested by connecting this puzzle's special squares
Blessing everyone coming in is swell
Inflatable - rapidly expand
Everything in the present is likely to go up
Dance with nothing on but a party decoration
Kind of bike tire
Rapidly expand benefit to include everyone
Air-filled bag
Party staple suggested by connecting this puzzle's special squares
Everyone taking part in benefit? Swell!
Benefit everyone received that's subject to inflation
Liberal and Labour upset over working party item
Inflated party prop
Grow to a huge size
Boycott gets 50 and left balls in bag
Belly could be advantage eating everything
Expanding toy
Grow quickly, providing benefit everyone participates in
Benefit everyone received that's subject to inflation
Liberal and Labour upset over working party item
Inflated party prop
Grow to a huge size
Boycott gets 50 and left balls in bag
Belly could be advantage eating everything
Expanding toy
Grow quickly, providing benefit everyone participates in