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99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an independent federal agency that administers compulsory military service | ||||||||
33% | 8 | Indication of praiseworthy act or indication of wrong-doing | ||||||
noun • thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1948 • an official award (as for bravery or service) usually given as formal public statement • (law) the act of citing (as of spoken words or written passages or legal precedents etc.) • a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage • a passage or expression that is quoted or cited • a summons that commands the appearance of a party at a proceeding | ||||||||
30% | 9 | A term used in tire manufacturing to describe the curved shape of the tire tread that provides better traction. | ||||||
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Indication Of Tire Trouble Crossword Clue
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New York Times11 Sep 2009 | Down 56 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Alarm bell's indication, on a menu
New York Times Mini -
02 Jul 2015 | New York Times Mini / 02 Jul 2015 |
2 | A term used in tire manufacturing to describe the curved shape of the tire tread that provides better traction. | |
3 | Gives no indication
The Guardian Cryptic -
12 Jun 2000 | The Guardian Cryptic / 12 Jun 2000 |
4 | Indication of praiseworthy act or indication of wrong-doing
The Guardian Cryptic -
12 Oct 2007 | The Guardian Cryptic / 12 Oct 2007 |
5 | Possible tire trouble
New York Times -
06 Jul 1985 | New York Times / 06 Jul 1985 |
6 | Potential tire trouble
New York Times -
01 Dec 2020 | New York Times / 01 Dec 2020 |
7 | Term used in the tire industry to describe a process of coating a new tire with a layer of rubber compound. |