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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 13 | ONTENTERHOOKS | Exact Match! | |||||
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98% | 10 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty adjective satellite • tending to cause suspension of regular breathing • appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse | ||||||||
95% | 11 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adverb • in an expectant manner | ||||||||
In Suspense
There are 5 exact and 191 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is
ONTENTERHOOKS which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: March 26, 2024
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Quick crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick27 Mar 2024 | Down 2 | ONTENTERHOOKS |
The Guardian Quick14 Dec 2017 | Across 24 | ONTENTERHOOKS |
New York Times29 Apr 1996 | Across 58 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | 1954 suspense classic
New York Times -
19 Jan 2002 | New York Times / 19 Jan 2002 |
2 | In a state of suspense
The Guardian Quick -
23 Sep 2009 | The Guardian Quick / 23 Sep 2009 |
3 | In great suspense
The Guardian Quick -
29 Jul 2010 | The Guardian Quick / 29 Jul 2010 |
4 | In suspense - or so to Kenneth (anag)
The Guardian Quick -
12 Mar 2003 | The Guardian Quick / 12 Mar 2003 |
5 | Mason's novels often featured elements of espionage and suspense | |
6 | Mason's works often involve themes of adventure, espionage, and suspense | |
7 | ___, Suspense Writer
New York Times -
30 Jul 2000 | New York Times / 30 Jul 2000 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
1958 Jerry Lee Lewis hit
In impatient suspense
Hush! It's Newman's "Gone With the Wind"
In suspense - or so to Kenneth (anag)
In a state of suspense
In great suspense
Find the French among mixed bathers, gasping
1958 Jerry Lee Lewis hit
In impatient suspense
Hush! It's Newman's "Gone With the Wind"
In suspense - or so to Kenneth (anag)
In a state of suspense
In great suspense
Find the French among mixed bathers, gasping
Anxious one outside shelter on height surrounded by crows
Keyed up in anticipation
Still excited?
All keyed up — note to honkers (anag)
Waiting nervously for outcome, swimming not the snooker
Struggling to inspire praise when nursing a broken heart
Excited — exhausted
Braless and the kinky pants indicate being this?
Keyed up in anticipation
Still excited?
All keyed up — note to honkers (anag)
Waiting nervously for outcome, swimming not the snooker
Struggling to inspire praise when nursing a broken heart
Excited — exhausted
Braless and the kinky pants indicate being this?