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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • spots before the eyes caused by opaque cell fragments in the vitreous humor and lens • a debt instrument with a variable interest rate tied to some other interest rate (e.g. the rate paid by T-bills) • a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support • an employee who is reassigned from job to job as needed • a voter who votes illegally at different polling places in the same election • a swimmer who floats in the water • an object that floats or is capable of floating • an insurance policy covering loss of movable property (e.g. jewelry) regardless of its location | ||||||||
23% | 10 | Illegal activity of hiding the origins of money obtained through illegal means | ||||||
noun • washing clothes and bed linens | ||||||||
21% | 7 | Gauge voter sentiment | ||||||
noun • the setting for a narrative or fictional or dramatic account • an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people • a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel • a tent made of canvas fabric • an oil painting on canvas fabric • the mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete • a heavy, closely woven fabric verb • get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions • solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign • consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning | ||||||||
Illegal Voter Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times28 Sep 1986 | Across 57 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "No" voter
New York Times -
14 Aug 1996 | New York Times / 14 Aug 1996 |
2 | Approaches unhappy voter with dubious ruse
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13 Aug 2001 | The Guardian Quiptic / 13 Aug 2001 |
3 | A voter may pull one
New York Times Bonus -
01 Nov 2015 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Nov 2015 |
4 | Certain voter ID
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26 May 2018 | New York Times / 26 May 2018 |
5 | Group responsible for voter registration and maintaining voter rolls | |
6 | Illegal activity of hiding the origins of money obtained through illegal means | |
7 | Many a first-time voter
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03 May 2017 | New York Times / 03 May 2017 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Oft-relocated employee
23 in view of one without party allegiance?
Damage to feral vagrant
Short, high-arching shot, in basketball lingo
Raft with hole initially lost at sea — not one of these then?
Vagrant having minimum of food subsequently eating egg
Something buoyant in air/water; one of the muscae volitantes, or “fluttering flies”, before one’s retinas; a person who drifts from one thing to another; a blunder; or, an Australian meat pie, served in a bowl of pea soup