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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon | ||||||||
29% | 9 | Lacking wisdom or proper judgment | ||||||
adjective satellite • not given careful consideration | ||||||||
26% | 6 | A system by which the particulars of a judgment contained in, for example, a verdict of a jury, are examined at the suit of the party intending to enforce the judgment | ||||||
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Ill Judgment Crossword Clue
There is 1 exact and 140 possible answers.
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DIAGNOSIS which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Cryptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic20 Feb 2012 | Down 14 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "Ill ___ are ill thinkers"
New York Times -
18 Jun 1979 | New York Times / 18 Jun 1979 |
2 | (Of labour) ill treated and ill paid
The Guardian Quick -
28 Jan 2011 | The Guardian Quick / 28 Jan 2011 |
3 | A judgment given in response to a motion for judgment on the pleadings | |
4 | A system by which the particulars of a judgment contained in, for example, a verdict of a jury, are examined at the suit of the party intending to enforce the judgment | |
5 | Ill defined? Ill-defined a non-starter
The Guardian Cryptic -
13 Dec 2002 | The Guardian Cryptic / 13 Dec 2002 |
6 | Ill – almost ill – it's when there's less activity
The Guardian Everyman -
05 Jul 2020 | The Guardian Everyman / 05 Jul 2020 |
7 | Phrase for a judgment against property
New York Times -
18 Mar 1986 | New York Times / 18 Mar 1986 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Outcome of some exams
Analysis of what's wrong in digs, as nothing else can be seen
Common result of a 30-Down
"Number needing help to get up" is the doctor's report
"Help!" is vocal example; "help over" is analytical conclusion
Having false god is a sin, one can conclude from this
Is doing as badly - that's the doctor's opinion
Lay assistance backed up one's analysis
Is doing as ordered leading to identification of illness
Analysis of what's wrong in digs, as nothing else can be seen
Common result of a 30-Down
"Number needing help to get up" is the doctor's report
"Help!" is vocal example; "help over" is analytical conclusion
Having false god is a sin, one can conclude from this
Is doing as badly - that's the doctor's opinion
Lay assistance backed up one's analysis
Is doing as ordered leading to identification of illness