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99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a solemn pledge (to oneself or to another or to a deity) to do something or to behave in a certain manner verb • make a vow; promise • dedicate to a deity by a vow | ||||||||
39% | 3 | Surname of the general who famously said 'I shall return' | ||||||
noun • the side of something that is sheltered from the wind • United States filmmaker whose works explore the richness of black culture in America (born in 1957) • United States striptease artist who became famous on Broadway in the 1930s (1914-1970) • United States actor who was an expert in kung fu and starred in martial arts films (1940-1973) • United States physicist (born in China) who collaborated with Yang Chen Ning in disproving the principle of conservation of parity (born in 1926) • leader of the American Revolution who proposed the resolution calling for independence of the American Colonies (1732-1794) • soldier of the American Revolution (1756-1818) • American general who led the Confederate Armies in the American Civil War (1807-1870) adjective satellite • towards the side away from the wind | ||||||||
39% | 9 | Known for his 'I shall return' promise | ||||||
noun • United States general who served as chief of staff and commanded Allied forces in the South Pacific during World War II; he accepted the surrender of Japan (1880-1964) | ||||||||
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times26 Oct 2018 | Down 51 | |
New York Times17 Dec 2017 | Down 106 | |
New York Times04 Jan 2001 | Down 40 | |
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6 | Surname of the general who famously said 'I shall return' | |
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