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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • gold or silver wire thread • a basic knitting stitch made by putting the needle through the front of the stitch from the righthand side verb • flow in a circular current, of liquids • make a murmuring sound • knit with a purl stitch • edge or border with gold or silver embroidery • embroider with gold or silver thread | ||||||||
61% | 10 | Embroidery or decoration made from delicate and intricate patterns of twisted gold or silver wire. | ||||||
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52% | 14 | Twisted knitting stitch that adds a twisted texture | ||||||
noun • a stitch taken in knitting | ||||||||
Hot Spiced Ale An Eddy Or Ripple A Babbling Sound Of A Shallow Brook A Knitting Stitch Or Twisted Gold Or Silver Wire Thread For Embroidery
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PURL which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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Old word for a mask; the peak of a cap; or, the eyeshade of a helmet
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge11 Mar 2023 | Across 36 | |
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Similar Clues
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30 Nov 1989 | New York Times / 30 Nov 1989 |
2 | A ringlet; an eddy; a ripple effect or “flame” in wood; an instance of sliding a granite or stone on ice; or, a weightlifting exercise performed with a barbell or a dumb-bell
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
25 Mar 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 25 Mar 2023 |
3 | Embroidery or decoration made from delicate and intricate patterns of twisted gold or silver wire. | |
4 | Embroidery stitch — topic (anag)
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5 | Shallow jingle-less drums; circular embroidery frames resembling said instruments; flexible sliding doors of cabinets or desks; or, vestibules in church porches
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14 Jan 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 14 Jan 2023 |
6 | Twisted knitting stitch that adds a twisted texture | |
7 | ___ point (embroidery stitch)
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07 Mar 1999 | New York Times / 07 Mar 1999 |