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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • plant growing in the sea, especially marine algae | ||||||||
24% | 4 | Name of a Japanese restaurant chain | ||||||
noun • an extinct volcano in south central Honshu that is the highest peak in Japan; last erupted in 1707; famous for its symmetrical snow-capped peak; a sacred mountain and site for pilgrimages • shrubby Japanese cherry tree having pale pink blossoms | ||||||||
24% | 8 | A famous Japanese restaurant in New York City | ||||||
noun • Japanese admiral who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 (1884-1943) | ||||||||
Hijiki Or Arame In A Japanese Restaurant Crossword Clue
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New York Times13 Nov 2020 | Down 45 | |
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3 | Japanese restaurant specializing in raw fish | |
4 | Name of a Japanese restaurant chain | |
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Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Shore sight
Natural fish food
Health enthusiast's dish
Sushi wrap
Iodine source
Ocean oxygen source
Jelly plant
Irish moss, e.g.
For example, wrack by fear in issue
Sushi covering
Leaf coral, e.g.
Bladderwrack, for example
Japanese salad green
Laver, maybe, put dread into top player
Major source of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere
Conjured into a ship by Gwydion in The Mabinogion, marine algae with species in shades of brown, green or red, including carrageen, dulse, laver, oyster thief, peacock’s tail, sargasso, tangle and wrack