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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to the ancient city of Troy or its inhabitants noun • a program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful • a native of ancient Troy | ||||||||
26% | 8 | Slayer of Hector | ||||||
noun • a mythical Greek hero of the Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; when he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his `Achilles' heel' | ||||||||
26% | 8 | Bully or hector | ||||||
verb • be bossy towards • discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate | ||||||||
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times31 Jul 1997 | Down 49 | |
New York Times18 Mar 1992 | Down 49 | |
New York Times06 Sep 1991 | Down 46 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "Since Hector ___ a pup"
New York Times -
20 Jul 1988 | New York Times / 20 Jul 1988 |
2 | Eric who played Hector in "Troy," 2004
New York Times -
27 Jan 2007 | New York Times / 27 Jan 2007 |
3 | Greek hero who killed the Trojan prince Hector | |
4 | Poem that ends with the funeral of Hector
New York Times -
14 Oct 2007 | New York Times / 14 Oct 2007 |
5 | Rooter for Hector
New York Times -
12 Dec 1987 | New York Times / 12 Dec 1987 |
6 | Slayer of Hector | |
7 | The wife of Hector and a child in Church
The Guardian Cryptic -
06 May 2005 | The Guardian Cryptic / 06 May 2005 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Southern Cal. athlete
U.S.C. athlete
Paris or Hector
1996 Rose Bowl mascot
Euripides tragedy "The ___ Women"
Hard worker
"Iliad" warrior
Hard worker in the city sacked long ago
Hard worker - one familiar with long-term investment?
For hard work one's a byword, for art? No judge unfortunately
Hard-working, trustworthy person (but, of a horse, untrustworthy!)
Hard grafter (from an ancient city?)
Hard worker a bit upset the time after Christmas
Proverbially hard worker
___ horse
Paris, for example — harmful computer program
Janitor carelessly loses one determined fellow
Hard worker making veiled threat to PC?