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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (Greek mythology) goddess of wisdom and useful arts and prudent warfare; guardian of Athens; identified with Roman Minerva • a genus of Strigidae containing the spotted owlet, little owl, forest owlet, and burrowing owl (Athene) | ||||||||
39% | 9 | Its emperors considered themselves successors of the Roman emperors | ||||||
noun • an ancient city on the Bosporus founded by the Greeks; site of modern Istanbul; in 330 Constantine I rebuilt the city and called it Constantinople and made it his capital • a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395 | ||||||||
32% | 9 | Private guards of Roman emperors | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to a Roman praetor adjective satellite • characteristic of or similar to the corruptible soldiers in the Praetorian Guard with respect to corruption or political venality | ||||||||
Heathen Emperors Private Goddess
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ATHENE which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Quiptic03 Apr 2006 | Down 20 | |
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2 | Either of two Holy Roman emperors
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3 | First of four emperors in the "Year of the Four Emperors"
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11 Jan 2025 | New York Times / 11 Jan 2025 |
4 | Home of Private Ryan in "Saving Private Ryan"
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18 Dec 2008 | New York Times / 18 Dec 2008 |
5 | Its emperors considered themselves successors of the Roman emperors | |
6 | Private guards of Roman emperors | |
7 | Ruler preceding the Year of the Four Emperors
New York Times -
03 Mar 2016 | New York Times / 03 Mar 2016 |
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Wise goddess
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Greek goddess of wisdom
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Female embraced by one female deity or another
Acropolis resident
Pallas ___
Greek goddess of wisdom
Greek Minerva
Villa Albani statue in Rome
A goddess writing one note after another
Female embraced by one female deity or another
Goddess sinking into bath energetically
Helping to make Gaia the New Age goddess
Goddess of wisdom, to Homer
Wise Olympian subsequently enters races alternately
Biddy introduced to one Greek goddess or another
Goddess soon afterward in hospital department?
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Only female parts concerned patroness of the arts
Helping to make Gaia the New Age goddess
Goddess of wisdom, to Homer
Wise Olympian subsequently enters races alternately
Biddy introduced to one Greek goddess or another
Goddess soon afterward in hospital department?
Goddess putting second and third of 21 in order?
Only female parts concerned patroness of the arts