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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a member of the political party that urged social reform in 18th and 19th century England; was the opposition party to the Tories • a supporter of the American Revolution • a member of the Whig Party that existed in the United States before the American Civil War | ||||||||
46% | 8 | Including Presidents Harrison, Tyler, and Taylor | ||||||
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25% | 7 | George Harrison's band | ||||||
noun • a rock group from Liverpool who between 1962 and 1970 produced a variety of hit songs and albums (most of them written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon) | ||||||||
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New York Times24 Oct 1992 | Down 51 | |
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5 | Harrison of "My Fair Lady"
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6 | Harrison ___, last person to set foot on the moon
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22 May 2016 | New York Times / 22 May 2016 |
7 | Including Presidents Harrison, Tyler, and Taylor |