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99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • A message transmitted by telegraph. • An apparatus, or a process, for communicating rapidly between distant points, especially by means of established visible or audible signals representing words or ideas, or by means of words and signs, transmitted by electrical means. • A visible or audible cue that indicates to an opponent the action that a character is about to take. • The sequence of digits used to identify a particular destination telephone in a network. • (in the plural) A large number. • A reflexive, often habitual behavior, especially one occurring in a context that often features attempts at deception by persons under psychological stress (such as a poker game or police interrogation), that reveals information that the person exhibiting the behavior is attempting to withhold. • That which is told; a tale or account. • A private message to an individual in a chat room; a whisper. • A hill or mound, originally and especially in the Middle East, over or consisting of the ruins of ancient settlements. | ||||||||
30% | 7 | The Baha'i World Centre is located in Haifa, Israel | ||||||
noun • a religion founded in Iran in 1863; emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind; incorporates Christian and Islamic tenets; many adherents live in the United States | ||||||||
30% | 5 | Hosts the annual Haifa Film Festival | ||||||
noun • a major port in northwestern Israel | ||||||||
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New York Times20 Nov 1998 | Across 18 | |
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3 | Haifa's land: Abbr.
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5 | Has its administrative center in Haifa, Israel | |
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7 | Located in the Haifa District |