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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade • a battle ax used in the Middle Ages; a long handled ax and a pick verb • fell with or as if with a poleax | ||||||||
31% | 9 | Swords used during the Middle Ages in the Middle East | ||||||
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30% | 4 | Ages and ages | ||||||
noun • the longest division of geological time • an immeasurably long period of time • (Gnosticism) a divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe | ||||||||
Hacker Of The Middle Ages Crossword Clue
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New York Times20 Jul 2007 | Across 27 | |
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3 | Century-ending Middle Ages year
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4 | Language of the middle and lower classes during the Middle Ages | |
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02 May 2011 | The Guardian Cryptic / 02 May 2011 |
6 | Panic experienced in the Middle Ages?
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26 Nov 2012 | The Guardian Cryptic / 26 Nov 2012 |
7 | Swords used during the Middle Ages in the Middle East |