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97% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a heavy rain • a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid) • an overwhelming number or amount | ||||||||
24% | 6 | A gullywasher brings heavy rain or a downpour | ||||||
noun • A trench, ravine or narrow channel which was worn by water flow, especially on a hillside. • A small valley. • A drop kerb. • A road drain. • A fielding position on the off side about 30 degrees behind square, between the slips and point; a fielder in such a position • A grooved iron rail or tram plate. • (northern UK) A large knife. verb • To flow noisily. • To wear away into a gully or gullies. |
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New York Times26 Jul 1998 | Down 93 | |
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