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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet • the craniometric point at the junction of the sagittal and lamboid sutures of the skull | ||||||||
38% | 7 | American attorney and politician who served as U.S. Attorney General under Barack Obama, Loretta ___ | ||||||
noun • United States jazz singer noted for her complex bebop phrasing and scat singing (1924-1990) | ||||||||
26% | 10 | Surname of the character who is falsely accused of murder in the game 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All' | ||||||
noun • United States architect and student of Latrobe (1787-1854) | ||||||||
Greek Character Hit Black Attorney
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LAMBDA which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic26 Nov 2009 | Down 21 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | American attorney and politician who served as U.S. Attorney General under Barack Obama, Loretta ___ | |
2 | Greek character, in ancient Greek city, almost singled out
The Guardian Everyman -
27 Jun 2010 | The Guardian Everyman / 27 Jun 2010 |
3 | Greek character writing name (Martin?) backwards, minimum of Greek in it
The Guardian Cryptic -
25 Nov 2015 | The Guardian Cryptic / 25 Nov 2015 |
4 | Key Greek character in old Greek city
The Guardian Quiptic -
07 Jul 2024 | The Guardian Quiptic / 07 Jul 2024 |
5 | Old car that was famously available in black, black ... or black
New York Times -
09 Sep 2008 | New York Times / 09 Sep 2008 |
6 | Role played by the district attorney or the state's attorney | |
7 | Ultimately, black on black - something black or white
The Guardian Cryptic -
29 Jul 2008 | The Guardian Cryptic / 29 Jul 2008 |
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Greek el
Greek letter
Kappa chaser
Kind of particle
Kappa follower
Sorority letter
Kind of particle in physics
Greek character on strike with bad effect
Greek character - priest entertaining Bachelor of Divinity
Upside-down V
Greek letter
Kappa chaser
Kind of particle
Kappa follower
Sorority letter
Kind of particle in physics
Greek character on strike with bad effect
Greek character - priest entertaining Bachelor of Divinity
Upside-down V
Leader of Lesbos?
Greek letter L
Greek letter — am bald (anag)
Letter resembling an inverted "V"
Greek character one of three adults ejected from dance
Eleventh Greek letter
Priest entertaining Bachelor of Divinity, a Greek character
Greek character with bad back's terribly bad
Initially, applicant with medical degree on day left a covering letter
Largely woolly letter from abroad?
Greek letter L
Greek letter — am bald (anag)
Letter resembling an inverted "V"
Greek character one of three adults ejected from dance
Eleventh Greek letter
Priest entertaining Bachelor of Divinity, a Greek character
Greek character with bad back's terribly bad
Initially, applicant with medical degree on day left a covering letter
Largely woolly letter from abroad?