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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • The center part of the sternum. • Any of several flowering plants, of the genus Gladiolus, having sword-shaped leaves and showy flowers on spikes; gladiola. | ||||||||
43% | 13 | Making mayonnaise, a mayonnaise could be made using this | ||||||
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32% | 4 | Fifty-fifty | ||||||
adjective • divisible by two • being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with) noun • the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall) adverb • used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected • in spite of; notwithstanding • to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons • to the full extent adjective satellite • equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced • symmetrically arranged • occurring at fixed intervals • of the score in a contest verb • make level or straight • become even or more even • make even or more even | ||||||||
Grand Day To Open Fifty Mayonnaise Plants Crossword Clue
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GLADIOLI which was last seen in the Telegraph Toughie crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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Telegraph Toughie24 Mar 2023 | Across 15 | |
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3 | Fifty-fifty on bird losing head — it's a promise
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4 | Making mayonnaise, a mayonnaise could be made using this | |
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Some irises
Showy irises
Colorful, spiky flowers
Pleased one is including oil extract from flowers
Pleased to have one of these flowers, in short
Plant with brightly coloured, funnel-shaped flowers
Pleased with one blending oil for flowers
Occupants of bed pleased to take heart from violin
Adagio I'll play without a number of bloomers
Flowers for a dog getting ill, I fancy
Showy irises
Colorful, spiky flowers
Pleased one is including oil extract from flowers
Pleased to have one of these flowers, in short
Plant with brightly coloured, funnel-shaped flowers
Pleased with one blending oil for flowers
Occupants of bed pleased to take heart from violin
Adagio I'll play without a number of bloomers
Flowers for a dog getting ill, I fancy
Flowers with sword-shaped leaves
Plants I record including one leguminous one bent back
Laid off in backlog, I get flowers
Flowers' content, one with crude oil
Flowers in spikes (starting happy)
Flowers of iris family
I must go behind boy, one wearing short yellow bloomers
Garden plants of the iris family
Boy employed by Joe on oil rig oddly blossoms
Pleased to fiddle, dropping skirts and bloomers
Plants I record including one leguminous one bent back
Laid off in backlog, I get flowers
Flowers' content, one with crude oil
Flowers in spikes (starting happy)
Flowers of iris family
I must go behind boy, one wearing short yellow bloomers
Garden plants of the iris family
Boy employed by Joe on oil rig oddly blossoms
Pleased to fiddle, dropping skirts and bloomers