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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • fine porcelain that contains bone ash | ||||||||
41% | 5 | Pub diet for slimmers? | ||||||
adjective • relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area • of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood • affecting only a restricted part or area of the body noun • public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops • anesthetic that numbs a particular area of the body | ||||||||
39% | 13 | Post-graduate training for a law graduate | ||||||
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Graduate Entertains A Slimmers Objective Eating Off This
There is 1 exact and 149 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is
BONECHINA which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Cryptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic30 Jan 2017 | Across 11 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A bilingual graduate, put off but not disconcerted
The Guardian Cryptic -
11 Apr 2005 | The Guardian Cryptic / 11 Apr 2005 |
2 | Eating well, or not eating at all around the east
The Guardian Everyman -
22 Apr 2007 | The Guardian Everyman / 22 Apr 2007 |
3 | Focused on the actor's objective and super-objective | |
4 | Graduate's mum finally going off Tim Rice's style
The Guardian Cryptic -
23 Aug 2000 | The Guardian Cryptic / 23 Aug 2000 |
5 | Graduate doctor dries water initially off instrument
The Guardian Quiptic -
04 Oct 2004 | The Guardian Quiptic / 04 Oct 2004 |
6 | Post-graduate training for a law graduate | |
7 | Pub diet for slimmers?
The Guardian Quiptic -
28 Feb 2022 | The Guardian Quiptic / 28 Feb 2022 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Fine porcelain
Osteologist's dinnerware?
Fine dinnerware
Good quality house ware at home - taken outside, broken on beach!
Type of porcelain
Porcelain for bishop given to a friend
Note single feature first in porcelain
With head back, beast has knocked out daughter - it's in danger from a bull!
Skeleton service!
Porcelain and ivory presented to Cockney chum
Osteologist's dinnerware?
Fine dinnerware
Good quality house ware at home - taken outside, broken on beach!
Type of porcelain
Porcelain for bishop given to a friend
Note single feature first in porcelain
With head back, beast has knocked out daughter - it's in danger from a bull!
Skeleton service!
Porcelain and ivory presented to Cockney chum
High quality porcelain
Skeleton service?
Rib mate found on the dining table?
Steal mate's porcelain
Porcelain from good French earth gets a following after feature
Single feature claimed by airline as basis of fine service?
Porcelain's single feature covered by book article
Porcelain, once cracked, ending in rubbish in bin area
Fillet chum – and serve on this
*Some fine porcelain
Skeleton service?
Rib mate found on the dining table?
Steal mate's porcelain
Porcelain from good French earth gets a following after feature
Single feature claimed by airline as basis of fine service?
Porcelain's single feature covered by book article
Porcelain, once cracked, ending in rubbish in bin area
Fillet chum – and serve on this
*Some fine porcelain