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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a game in which players hit a wooden ball through a series of hoops; the winner is the first to traverse all the hoops and hit a peg verb • drive away by hitting with one's ball • play a game in which players hit a wooden ball through a series of hoops | ||||||||
54% | 10 | A popular game in which players try to hit balls through a series of hoops | ||||||
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54% | 9 | Game in which wooden balls are hit through hoops | ||||||
verb • In croquet, to hit another live ball with the striker's ball, from which croquet is then taken. | ||||||||
Game Which Involves Driving Balls Through Hoops
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CROQUET which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick08 Nov 2011 | Down 16 | |
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5 | Game in which wooden balls are hit through hoops | |
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Lawn game
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... or possibly at this ball game
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Picnic pastime #2
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Lawn game played with mallets
Lawn game played with hoops and mallets
Game with hoops
Mallet and hoop game
Players may place stakes on this
... or possibly at this ball game
One may peg out playing it
Picnic pastime #2
Game about getting cheese for less
Lawn game played with mallets
Lawn game played with hoops and mallets
Game with hoops
Mallet and hoop game
Mallet sport
Game played with mallets
Game with balls and mallet
Game flirt getting run in
Low-stakes game?
Game played on a lawn
Game and potato dish left unfinished
Game with wooden balls, mallets and hoops
It's played with mallets and wickets ...
Game played with mallets (or flamingoes according to Lewis Carroll)
Game played with mallets
Game with balls and mallet
Game flirt getting run in
Low-stakes game?
Game played on a lawn
Game and potato dish left unfinished
Game with wooden balls, mallets and hoops
It's played with mallets and wickets ...
Game played with mallets (or flamingoes according to Lewis Carroll)