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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing | ||||||||
66% | 7 | Boards or valance-like drapes for concealing curtain rods | ||||||
noun • a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing | ||||||||
49% | 10 | Adding a fringe to the bottom of a window valance | ||||||
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From The French For Small Palm A Narrow Fringe Valance Or Border Of Cloth Concealing A Curtain Rod
There is 1 exact and 129 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is
PELMET which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
Playwright and novelist whose summer spent on the Scottish isle of Eilean Shona inspired his make-believe world Neverland, inhabited by Lost Boys, mermaids, Peter Pan and a fairy he called Tinker BellDiver/fisher employed in harvesting porifers; their boat; a decorator of pottery using porous puffs/pads; or, a scrounger, taken to soaking up others’ generosity, money or resources
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge09 Sep 2023 | Down 3 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Adding a fringe to the bottom of a window valance | |
2 | Boards or valance-like drapes for concealing curtain rods
Telegraph Herculis -
17 Apr 2023 | Telegraph Herculis / 17 Apr 2023 |
3 | Border; fringe
New York Times -
08 Nov 1989 | New York Times / 08 Nov 1989 |
4 | Curtain valance | |
5 | Fringe hiding a curtain rod
The Guardian Quick -
18 Nov 2009 | The Guardian Quick / 18 Nov 2009 |
6 | Valance
New York Times -
04 Jun 1977 | New York Times / 04 Jun 1977 |
7 | Valance holder
New York Times -
17 Jul 2013 | New York Times / 17 Jul 2013 |