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99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • guitar music composed for dancing the flamenco • a style of dancing characteristic of the Andalusian Gypsies; vigorous and rhythmic with clapping and stamping of feet | ||||||||
34% | 5 | Empieza con 'L' y termina con 'S' | ||||||
noun • A fit of lunacy or madness; a period of frenzy; a crazy or unreasonable freak. • A concave figure formed by the intersection of the arcs of two circles on a plane, or on a sphere the intersection between two great semicircles. • Anything crescent-shaped. • (hawking) A leash for a hawk. | ||||||||
29% | 7 | They are sensitive to the weak nuclear force but not to the strong nuclear force | ||||||
noun • any particle that obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics and is subject to the Pauli exclusion principle | ||||||||
Force Weak And Mistreated Con To Dance
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FLAMENCO which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quiptic18 Oct 2010 | Across 20 | |
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3 | Empieza con 'L' y termina con 'S' | |
4 | Explains the electromagnetic force, weak force, and strong force | |
5 | Had close relationships with ladies I mistreated
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6 | He wrote "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak"
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7 | Subatomic particle named for the weak force
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Guitar genre
Spanish gypsy dance
Soldier supports sweetheart in the dance
Colour sergeant seen in Spanish dance
Source of some foot-stomping
Strong soldier gets crippled in a dance
Dance gives priest company
Gipsy dance
Gypsy dance associated with Spain
Sweetheart joins sergeant in dance
Spanish gypsy dance
Soldier supports sweetheart in the dance
Colour sergeant seen in Spanish dance
Source of some foot-stomping
Strong soldier gets crippled in a dance
Dance gives priest company
Gipsy dance
Gypsy dance associated with Spain
Sweetheart joins sergeant in dance
Dance with sergeant, say, on fire
Dance from Andalusia
Foot-stomping music
Dance performed with castanets
Song and dance created by sergeant under fire?
Dance with lover, a sergeant?
Andalusian gypsy music
Musical genre for sweetheart on top of sergeant, say
Sergeant may be led by lover in dance
Sweetheart and sergeant possibly dance
Dance from Andalusia
Foot-stomping music
Dance performed with castanets
Song and dance created by sergeant under fire?
Dance with lover, a sergeant?
Andalusian gypsy music
Musical genre for sweetheart on top of sergeant, say
Sergeant may be led by lover in dance
Sweetheart and sergeant possibly dance