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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 11 | PAPER MONEY | Exact Match! | |||||
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35% | 7 | On the low side, open to bribery welcoming tenners and roubles for starters | ||||||
adjective • toward or on or near the belly (front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal) • nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism | ||||||||
27% | 4 | Fivers | ||||||
noun • The name of the Latin-script letter V. • Something with the shape of the letter V. • The arc of the field, forward of the batsman, from cover to midwicket, in which drives are played • A polyamorous relationship between three people, in which one person has two partners who are not themselves romantically or sexually involved. | ||||||||
Fivers And Tenners For Example
There is 1 exact and 158 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is
PAPER MONEY which was last seen in the Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Cross Atlantic01 Jul 2023 | Across 13 | PAPER MONEY |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
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1 | Cubism, for example | |
2 | Example, for example
New York Times -
15 Apr 1994 | New York Times / 15 Apr 1994 |
3 | Examples include 'http://www.example.com' or 'https://example.com' | |
4 | Fivers
New York Times -
01 May 1987 | New York Times / 01 May 1987 |
5 | Letters for nine-to-fivers
New York Times -
20 Mar 1999 | New York Times / 20 Mar 1999 |
6 | On the low side, open to bribery welcoming tenners and roubles for starters
Telegraph Toughie -
17 Jan 2023 | Telegraph Toughie / 17 Jan 2023 |
7 | They produce notes (including tenners, say)
The Guardian Cryptic -
29 Aug 2006 | The Guardian Cryptic / 29 Aug 2006 |