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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a strong flame that burns brightly • a cause of difficulty and suffering • noisy and unrestrained mischief • a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted • a light-colored marking verb • shine brightly and intensively • shoot rapidly and repeatedly • burn brightly and intensely • move rapidly and as if blazing • indicate by marking trees with blazes | ||||||||
44% | 7 | Five-alarmer | ||||||
noun • (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment • any place of pain and turmoil • a very intense and uncontrolled fire | ||||||||
30% | 13 | It has five protons, five electrons, and either five or six neutrons | ||||||
noun • a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder | ||||||||
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New York Times18 Feb 2015 | Down 46 | |
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2 | Five to nine, maybe, but not nine to five
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3 | Four-alarmer, e.g.
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4 | Fourth of a famous five
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23 Apr 1978 | New York Times / 23 Apr 1978 |
5 | Has five petals and five sepals | |
6 | It has five protons, five electrons, and either five or six neutrons | |
7 | Only five-letter state whose capital has exactly five letters: Abbr.
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01 Apr 2018 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Apr 2018 |