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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (sports) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring verb • save from ruin, destruction, or harm • to keep up and reserve for personal or special use • bring into safety • spend less; buy at a reduced price • accumulate money for future use • make unnecessary an expenditure or effort • save from sins • refrain from harming • spend sparingly, avoid the waste of • retain rights to • record data on a computer | ||||||||
23% | 6 | To exploit a success or advantage in order to achieve further success or advantage | ||||||
noun • a series of wagers in which the winnings from one wager are used as a stake for the subsequent wagers verb • stake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wager | ||||||||
23% | 15 | Emphasis on departmental success rather than overall organizational success | ||||||
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Firemans Success In Baseball
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SAVE which was last seen in the New York Times Bonus crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times Bonus01 Jul 2001 | Down 63 | |
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2 | Have some expectation of success in Scottish Open
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3 | Having success after success
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4 | On ___ (experiencing continued success)
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5 | Success for a closer in baseball
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6 | To exploit a success or advantage in order to achieve further success or advantage | |
7 | When the popularity or success of one candidate boosts the chances of success for other candidates from the same party |