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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the power to withstand hardship or stress • a state of surviving; remaining alive | ||||||||
33% | 5 | Leisure pursuit of partner, acquiring love for United | ||||||
noun • an auxiliary activity • a child's plaything consisting of an imitation horse mounted on rockers; the child straddles it and pretends to ride • small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds | ||||||||
29% | 10 | Competition requiring exceptional versatility and stamina | ||||||
noun • an athletic contest consisting of ten different events | ||||||||
Final United Competition Acquiring New Stamina
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ENDURANCE which was last seen in the Telegraph Toughie crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Toughie04 May 2023 | Down 17 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A competition that requires great stamina | |
2 | Competition requiring exceptional versatility and stamina | |
3 | Leisure pursuit of partner, acquiring love for United
Telegraph Toughie -
10 Oct 2024 | Telegraph Toughie / 10 Oct 2024 |
4 | New union members acquiring good links between banks
Telegraph Toughie -
17 Jul 2024 | Telegraph Toughie / 17 Jul 2024 |
5 | Tense actor’s representative acquiring new or different line of thought
The Guardian Quiptic -
21 Apr 2024 | The Guardian Quiptic / 21 Apr 2024 |
6 | United competition
New York Times -
31 Mar 1996 | New York Times / 31 Mar 1996 |
7 | United team from London area going round North playing in knockout competition
The Guardian Cryptic -
06 May 2003 | The Guardian Cryptic / 06 May 2003 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Marathoner's trait
Part of a Car and Driver rating
Staying power
Stoical coping with hardship
Ability to survive in French river
Patient toleration
Last turn on French river requires ability to last
Marathoner's trait
Part of a Car and Driver rating
Staying power
Stoical coping with hardship
Ability to survive in French river
Patient toleration
Last turn on French river requires ability to last
Mountain climber's need
Stamina required to complete university run around noon
English trained nun cared for patient suffering
Continuing power of the Creed, a nun found out
Staying power needed to finish university career, gaining first in nanotechnology
Ill-fated ship in French tributary of the Rhone
Stamina required to complete university run around noon
English trained nun cared for patient suffering
Continuing power of the Creed, a nun found out
Staying power needed to finish university career, gaining first in nanotechnology
Ill-fated ship in French tributary of the Rhone