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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the dried fibrous part of the fruit of a plant of the genus Luffa; used as a washing sponge or strainer • the loofah climber that has cylindrical fruit | ||||||||
38% | 7 | Gourd or gourd-shaped musical instrument in this family | ||||||
noun • beetle that produces a secretion that blisters the skin | ||||||||
36% | 15 | Also known as ash gourd or white gourd | ||||||
noun • any of a variety of muskmelon vines having fruit with a smooth white rind and white or greenish flesh that does not have a musky smell | ||||||||
Fibrous Part Of Gourd Used As Scrubber
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LOOFAH which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick07 Aug 2007 | Across 15 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Also known as ash gourd or white gourd | |
2 | Fibrous mineral, used as an insulator, now deemed harmful
The Guardian Speedy -
05 Jun 2011 | The Guardian Speedy / 05 Jun 2011 |
3 | Fibrous part of a potato
New York Times -
10 Sep 2021 | New York Times / 10 Sep 2021 |
4 | Fibrous part of fruit — essence
The Guardian Quick -
27 Dec 2011 | The Guardian Quick / 27 Dec 2011 |
5 | Fibrous plant used for rope
The Guardian Speedy -
19 Jun 2005 | The Guardian Speedy / 19 Jun 2005 |
6 | Gourd or gourd-shaped musical instrument in this family | |
7 | Gourd used as a musical instrument
New York Times -
16 Jun 1985 | New York Times / 16 Jun 1985 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Tropical vine of the gourd family
Elongated tropical fruit
Rough sort of sponge
A scrubber (John take note)
Bathtub item
Clown turning up on a high with a scrubber
Bath-time scrubber
Sponge for dessert sent back with sigh of relief
Flesh brush
Bathtime accessory
Elongated tropical fruit
Rough sort of sponge
A scrubber (John take note)
Bathtub item
Clown turning up on a high with a scrubber
Bath-time scrubber
Sponge for dessert sent back with sigh of relief
Flesh brush
Bathtime accessory
Sponge used in a 39-Across
Used for cleaning toilet with regular application of Flash
Bathroom scrubber
Spa item
Such a cleaning brush will be barely used
Bather's exfoliant
Dried part of plant used as a bath sponge
Bath sponge made from dried plant fibres
Send back dessert, a hot sort of sponge
John, with devout belief, renouncing it for a rough scrubber
Used for cleaning toilet with regular application of Flash
Bathroom scrubber
Spa item
Such a cleaning brush will be barely used
Bather's exfoliant
Dried part of plant used as a bath sponge
Bath sponge made from dried plant fibres
Send back dessert, a hot sort of sponge
John, with devout belief, renouncing it for a rough scrubber