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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are thrown around on festive occasions (as at a wedding) | ||||||||
27% | 9 | Festive dessert enjoyed during festive occasions | ||||||
noun • pastry made with a cream cheese dough and different fillings (as raisins and walnuts and cinnamon or chocolate and walnut and apricot preserves) | ||||||||
25% | 8 | The sprinkling of holy water presages disaster | ||||||
verb • To sprinkle. noun • A Christian rite in which the congregation is sprinkled with water. • The brush or instrument used in sprinkling holy water; an aspergill. | ||||||||
Festive Sprinkling
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CONFETTI which was last seen in the Eugene Sheffer crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Eugene Sheffer02 Oct 2021 | Down 26 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Artistic sprinkling
New York Times -
10 Dec 1976 | New York Times / 10 Dec 1976 |
2 | Festive dessert enjoyed during festive occasions | |
3 | Form of baptism involving pouring or sprinkling water | |
4 | Sprinkling, for flavor
New York Times -
27 Mar 1978 | New York Times / 27 Mar 1978 |
5 | Sprinkling on a lox bagel
New York Times -
17 Oct 2024 | New York Times / 17 Oct 2024 |
6 | Sprinkling part of garden on eastern side
The Guardian Cryptic -
09 Jul 2019 | The Guardian Cryptic / 09 Jul 2019 |
7 | Sprinkling small stuff
The Guardian Cryptic -
09 Aug 2021 | The Guardian Cryptic / 09 Aug 2021 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Paper for celebrations
A deep pink
Paper pieces thrown at wedding
Coloured paper thrown at weddings
Paper pieces festively thrown
It is thrown at happy 16s
Stuff to throw at weddings
It may be aimed at people leaving the church
It's thrown at weddings
Cut paperwork at union meetings
A deep pink
Paper pieces thrown at wedding
Coloured paper thrown at weddings
Paper pieces festively thrown
It is thrown at happy 16s
Stuff to throw at weddings
It may be aimed at people leaving the church
It's thrown at weddings
Cut paperwork at union meetings
Paper thrown at weddings
Papers thrown at union meeting
Small bits thrown over bride and groom
Bits thrown over newly-weds
Small pieces of paper often circulated in court by one
Paper rained on newlyweds
It's thrown over bride and groom
Note: often it may be seen at a wedding
Wedding paper
Paper that's bought to throw away
Papers thrown at union meeting
Small bits thrown over bride and groom
Bits thrown over newly-weds
Small pieces of paper often circulated in court by one
Paper rained on newlyweds
It's thrown over bride and groom
Note: often it may be seen at a wedding
Wedding paper
Paper that's bought to throw away