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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites; its function is to lay eggs • a female sovereign ruler • the wife or widow of a king • something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind • a competitor who holds a preeminent position • offensive term for a homosexual man • one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen • (chess) the most powerful piece • an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males • female cat verb • promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess • become a queen | ||||||||
90% | 7 | Ruler with absolute power | ||||||
noun • a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right • large migratory American butterfly having deep orange wings with black and white markings; the larvae feed on milkweed | ||||||||
90% | 8 | Female royal title | ||||||
noun • a female member of a royal family other than the queen (especially the daughter of a sovereign) | ||||||||
Female Monarch
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QUEEN which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick19 Dec 2007 | Across 11 | |
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