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97% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • An alcoholic malt liquor, especially beer. • A woman's breast. • A term of familiar address; bubba; bubby. • A young brother; a little boy; a familiar term of address for a small boy. • A baby. • Champagne; bubbly. • A spherically contained volume of air or other gas, especially one made from soapy liquid. • A small spherical cavity in a solid material. • (by extension) Anything resembling a hollow sphere. • Anything lacking firmness or solidity; a cheat or fraud; an empty project. • A period of intense speculation in a market, causing prices to rise quickly to irrational levels as the metaphorical bubble expands, and then fall even more quickly as the bubble bursts. • The emotional and/or physical atmosphere in which the subject is immersed. • An officer's station in a prison dormitory, affording views on all sides. • Someone who has been ‘bubbled’ or fooled; a dupe. • A small, hollow, floating bead or globe, formerly used for testing the strength of spirits. • The globule of air in the chamber of a spirit level. • A laugh. • A Greek. • Any of the small magnetized areas that make up bubble memory. • The point in a poker tournament when the last player without a prize loses all their chips and leaves the game, leaving only players that are going to win prizes. (e.g., if the last remaining 9 players win prizes, then the point when the 10th player leaves the tournament) • A group of people who are in quarantine together. verb • To throw out in bubbles; to bubble. | ||||||||
96% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a boy or man • a long narrow depression in a surface • a crack in a lip caused usually by cold • (usually in the plural) leather leggings without a seat; joined by a belt; often have flared outer flaps; worn over trousers by cowboys to protect their legs verb • crack due to dehydration | ||||||||
95% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an informal form of address for a man • a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance | ||||||||
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Updated: August 28, 2024
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Eugene Sheffer29 Aug 2024 | Across 27 | |
Eugene Sheffer18 Jan 2024 | Across 27 | |
Eugene Sheffer05 Jan 2024 | Across 1 | |
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