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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a dissolute man in fashionable society • an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart • a stretch of turbulent water in a river or the sea caused by one current flowing into or across another current • the act of rending or ripping or splitting something verb • tear or be torn violently • move precipitously or violently • cut (wood) along the grain • take without the owner's consent • criticize or abuse strongly and violently | ||||||||
27% | 7 | Bottoms that blend the features of jeans and panties | ||||||
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25% | 5 | Like some jeans | ||||||
adjective • Of the colour blue. • Depressed, melancholic, sad. • Pale, without redness or glare; said of a flame. • Supportive of, run by (a member of), pertaining to, or dominated by a political party represented by the colour blue. • Of the higher-frequency region of the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation. • (of steak) Extra rare; left very raw and cold. • (of a dog or cat) Having a coat of fur of a slaty gray shade. • Severe or overly strict in morals; gloomy. • (of women) literary; bluestockinged. • Having a color charge of blue. • (entertainment) Risque or obscene noun • A blue blazer, part of the school uniform at Harrow School. • The colour of the clear sky or the deep sea, between green and violet in the visible spectrum, and one of the primary additive colours for transmitted light; the colour obtained by subtracting red and green from white light using magenta and cyan filters; or any colour resembling this. • A blue dye or pigment. • Any of several processes to protect metal against rust. • Blue clothing • (in the plural) A blue uniform. See blues. • A member of law enforcement • The sky, literally or figuratively. • The ocean; deep waters. • The far distance; a remote or distant place. • Anything blue, especially to distinguish it from similar objects differing only in color. • A dog or cat with a slaty gray coat. • One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of five points. • Any of the butterflies of the subfamily Polyommatinae in the family Lycaenidae, most of which have blue on their wings. • A bluefish. • An argument. • A liquid with an intense blue colour, added to a laundry wash to prevent yellowing of white clothes. • A type of firecracker. • A bluestocking. • One of the three color charges for quarks. | ||||||||
Features Of Some Jeans
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RIPS which was last seen in the Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword.
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Updated: December 26, 2024
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Cross Atlantic27 Dec 2024 | Down 62 | |
New York Times07 Nov 2010 | Across 31 | |
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