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99% | 4 | RAES | Exact Match! | |||||
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27% | 9 | A species of this plant, named after the explorer John C. Fremont, is the official flower of San Diego. | ||||||
noun • flannelbush | ||||||||
27% | 6 | First name of the explorer who traversed the Colorado River, John Wesley | ||||||
noun • United States general who was the first African American to serve as chief of staff; later served as Secretary of State under President George W. Bush (born 1937) • English physicist who discovered the pion (the first known meson) which is a subatomic particle involved in holding the nucleus together (1903-1969) | ||||||||
Explorer John And Others Crossword Clue
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times13 Mar 2004 | Down 52 | RAES |
New York Times30 Sep 2001 | Across 104 | RAES |
New York Times29 Nov 2000 | Across 49 | RAES |
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2 | Artist John Egerton Christmas who painted The Englishman’s Home for the Festival of Britain, designed stained glass and collaborated with John Betjeman, Geoffrey Grigson and Ben Nicholson, among others
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3 | Early North American explorer John
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4 | Explorer John ___ | |
5 | John (or Sebastian), Tudor explorer
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6 | Named after William John Burchell, an English explorer | |
7 | Pioneering Arctic explorer John
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