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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • deep orange edible root of the cultivated carrot plant • perennial plant widely cultivated as an annual in many varieties for its long conical orange edible roots; temperate and tropical regions • orange root; important source of carotene • promise of reward as in "carrot and stick" | ||||||||
36% | 5 | Monkeys' motoring mechanisms | ||||||
noun • reddish long-tailed monkey of west Africa | ||||||||
36% | 12 | Pursuing recreational motoring | ||||||
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Enticement To Run Motoring Organisation Is Rejected
There is 1 exact and 158 possible answers.
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CARROT which was last seen in the Telegraph Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Cryptic09 Feb 2023 | Across 14 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Allowed motoring organisation back in the ring
The Guardian Quiptic -
03 Oct 2005 | The Guardian Quiptic / 03 Oct 2005 |
2 | Biblical character and motoring organisation man
The Guardian Cryptic -
26 Oct 2001 | The Guardian Cryptic / 26 Oct 2001 |
3 | Gas-operated pedal for motoring | |
4 | Odds and ends conveyed by branch to motoring organisation in one taxi
The Guardian Cryptic -
18 Nov 2004 | The Guardian Cryptic / 18 Nov 2004 |
5 | Pioneered the concept of mass motoring | |
6 | Stars manage without motoring organisation
The Guardian Cryptic -
11 Jul 2003 | The Guardian Cryptic / 11 Jul 2003 |
7 | Strange rituals held by motoring organisation in country
The Guardian Everyman -
26 Mar 2017 | The Guardian Everyman / 26 Mar 2017 |