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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • anything that serves as an enticement • something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed verb • harass with persistent criticism or carping • lure, entice, or entrap with bait • attack with dogs or set dogs upon | ||||||||
26% | 10 | Irresistible enticement | ||||||
noun • attractiveness • the power to entice or attract through personal charm • the act of enticing a person to do something wrong (as an offer of sex in return for money) | ||||||||
26% | 5 | Enticement | ||||||
noun • attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates • a verbal formula believed to have magical force • something believed to bring good luck • (physics) one of the six flavors of quark, the third most massive of all quarks verb • attract; cause to be enamored • control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft • protect through supernatural powers or charms • induce into action by using one's charm | ||||||||
Enticement That Gets One Into Club
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BAIT which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Quiptic06 Apr 2020 | Across 27 | |
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6 | Irresistible enticement | |
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