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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • one who is absent from school without permission • someone who shirks duty adjective satellite • absent without permission | ||||||||
27% | 8 | Demonstrating the traits of a faithful and dependable worker | ||||||
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26% | 7 | He's a cat that's turned out to be a faithful friend | ||||||
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Endlessly Faithful Worker But He Hasnt Turned Up
There is 1 exact and 134 possible answers.
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TRUANT which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Quiptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
Grass producer facing quite a blowWeakness shown when she cuts a cold fish?
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quiptic17 Mar 2003 | Across 26 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | 1999 sitcom about a hockey player-turned-social worker
New York Times -
17 Jan 2004 | New York Times / 17 Jan 2004 |
2 | A high throw turned to what's turned on
The Guardian Cryptic -
18 Jun 2004 | The Guardian Cryptic / 18 Jun 2004 |
3 | An animal turned, one turned painfully?
The Guardian Cryptic -
14 Feb 2006 | The Guardian Cryptic / 14 Feb 2006 |
4 | As a bear is turned - turned inside out
The Guardian Cryptic -
02 Sep 2005 | The Guardian Cryptic / 02 Sep 2005 |
5 | Demonstrating the traits of a faithful and dependable worker | |
6 | He's a cat that's turned out to be a faithful friend
The Guardian Cryptic -
18 May 2001 | The Guardian Cryptic / 18 May 2001 |
7 | Turned on automatically at sunset and turned off at sunrise |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Hookey player
Hooky player
Shirking responsibility
One spurning learning
Absentee of sorts
AWOL student
Kind of officer
School absentee
Not entirely reliable worker can be skiver
Hooky player
Shirking responsibility
One spurning learning
Absentee of sorts
AWOL student
Kind of officer
School absentee
Not entirely reliable worker can be skiver
This is played away from school
Unauthorised absentee (from school)
Absconder from school
Child bunking off school
Unauthorised absentee from school
Someone playing hookey from school
This was not played when we were at school
Absentee (from school?)
Central bank takes over society held in trust, disregarding form?
Academic absentee
Unauthorised absentee (from school)
Absconder from school
Child bunking off school
Unauthorised absentee from school
Someone playing hookey from school
This was not played when we were at school
Absentee (from school?)
Central bank takes over society held in trust, disregarding form?
Academic absentee