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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds • a thin paper coated on one side with a dark waxy substance (often containing carbon); used to transfer characters from the original to an under sheet of paper • a copy made with carbon paper | ||||||||
37% | 12 | A feminist philosophy that seeks to redefine the goals and strategies of the feminist movement in the 21st century. | ||||||
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37% | 13 | Contemporary feminist theories that critique aspects of earlier feminist movements | ||||||
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Element Caught In The Old Feminist Style When Retreating
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CARBON which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic06 Mar 2013 | Across 12 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A feminist philosophy that seeks to redefine the goals and strategies of the feminist movement in the 21st century. | |
2 | Committee head, feminist style
New York Times -
27 Jul 1981 | New York Times / 27 Jul 1981 |
3 | Contemporary feminist theories that critique aspects of earlier feminist movements | |
4 | Falls once more when retreating from gunman
The Guardian Cryptic -
01 Aug 2001 | The Guardian Cryptic / 01 Aug 2001 |
5 | Force trainee to execute 'duck and cover', primarily when retreating
The Guardian Cryptic -
02 Dec 2022 | The Guardian Cryptic / 02 Dec 2022 |
6 | Giant porker swallows tail when retreating
The Guardian Cryptic -
24 Feb 2006 | The Guardian Cryptic / 24 Feb 2006 |
7 | Uncertain place to go, when retreating into background
The Guardian Cryptic -
29 Jun 2022 | The Guardian Cryptic / 29 Jun 2022 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Duplicating aid
Kind of copy
Paper type
Diamond, actually
It can help you get a date
Graphite element
Element withdrawing support in party
Element of which diamonds are formed
Coal, essentially
One driven to have hip operations given worrying discharge
Kind of copy
Paper type
Diamond, actually
It can help you get a date
Graphite element
Element withdrawing support in party
Element of which diamonds are formed
Coal, essentially
One driven to have hip operations given worrying discharge
C (with a footprint)
Beefy type I'd seen by the beach kept in mind, but no source of inspiration
Vehicle on beach with leat’er, perhaps, for dry ice
Diamond, essentially
Vehicle bachelor regularly loans can be used for dating
What's in 1 that's good for dating?
Element that makes up a diamond
Faithful copy of old motor VIP's rejected
------ copy: exact image; clone
Beefy type I'd seen by the beach kept in mind, but no source of inspiration
Vehicle on beach with leat’er, perhaps, for dry ice
Diamond, essentially
Vehicle bachelor regularly loans can be used for dating
What's in 1 that's good for dating?
Element that makes up a diamond
Faithful copy of old motor VIP's rejected
------ copy: exact image; clone