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97% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adverb • (Singlish) Used to contradict an underlying assumption held by the interlocutor. • (usually followed by "with," but also sometimes "would" or "might," especially in finance) In some manner or degree; in part; partly. See also what with • Such. • Why. • Used to introduce each of two coordinate phrases or concepts; both…and. noun • Something; thing; stuff. • The identity of a thing, as an answer to a question of what. • Something that is addressed by what, as opposed to a person, addressed by who. pronoun • (interrogative) Which thing, event, circumstance, etc.: used interrogatively in asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc. • That which; those that; the thing that. • (relative) That; which; who. • Whatever. interjection • An expression of surprise or disbelief. • What do you want? An abrupt, usually unfriendly enquiry as to what a person desires. • Clipping of what do you say? • What did you say? I beg your pardon? • (typically with a) An intensifier to an adjective phrase; used to begin a sentence. | ||||||||
96% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
interjection • (with falling pitch) used to express amusement or subtle surprise. • Used to express doubt or confusion. • (with rising pitch) Used to reinforce a question. • (with falling pitch) Used either to belittle the issuer of a statement/question, or sarcastically to indicate utter agreement, and that the statement being responded to is an extreme understatement. The intonation is changed to distinguish between the two meanings - implied dullness for belittlement, and feigned surprise for utter agreement. • (with rising pitch) Used to indicate that one did not hear what was said. • (with falling pitch) Used to create a tag question. | ||||||||
95% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a gesture involving the shoulders verb • raise one's shoulders to indicate indifference or resignation | ||||||||
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WHAT which was last seen in the Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword.
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Updated: November 20, 2024
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Cross Atlantic21 Nov 2024 | Across 30 | |
Telegraph Cross Atlantic12 Apr 2023 | Down 55 | |
The Guardian Quick18 Apr 2022 | Across 11 | |
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