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99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • king of the English who succeeded to the throne after his half-brother Edward the Martyr was murdered; he struggled unsuccessfully against the invading Danes (969-1016) • king of Wessex and Kent and elder brother of Alfred; Alfred joined Ethelred's battle against the invading Danes and succeeded him on his death (died in 871) | ||||||||
98% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • king of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him; on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England (994-1035) | ||||||||
97% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • king of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him; on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England (994-1035) | ||||||||
Early English King Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times22 Jun 1993 | Down 39 | |
New York Times01 Nov 1977 | Across 60 | |
New York Times12 Sep 1977 | Across 44 | |
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Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Danish king of England: 1017–35
King of England: 1017-35
Would-be wave ruler
King of England and Denmark
King of England, Denmark and Norway
Danish king of England: Var.
Danish king who conquered England: Var.
Danish king of England
Gassed outside Luxembourg? He should have been 19
The elder displayed another millennium disaster
Danish King of England, 1016-35
A crazy fellow in church, he gave a sermon on the beach
Girl showing embarrassment at being unready?
He failed to turn the tide of history
Shrewd capturing an English king
Heads and leaders of unruly tribes eliminated old king
The elder made king of England
Clever to bring in an English king