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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a driver who obstructs others | ||||||||
28% | 4 | Driving is hard when this is driving | ||||||
noun • English writer of novels about moral dilemmas in academe (1905-1980) • precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals • a layer of snowflakes (white crystals of frozen water) covering the ground • street names for cocaine verb • fall as snow • conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end | ||||||||
26% | 7 | Driving pig? | ||||||
noun • a driver who obstructs others | ||||||||
Driving Pig
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ROADHOG which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick30 Jul 2003 | Down 3 | |
The Guardian Quick30 Jul 2003 | Down 3 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Bad thing to run while driving
New York Times Mini -
16 Jun 2017 | New York Times Mini / 16 Jun 2017 |
2 | Driving behavior characterized by driving too closely behind another vehicle | |
3 | Driving is hard when this is driving
New York Times -
02 Jul 2001 | New York Times / 02 Jul 2001 |
4 | May be higher for highway driving than city driving | |
5 | Old-style driving iron
New York Times -
25 Jan 1997 | New York Times / 25 Jan 1997 |
6 | Roast pig after a pig roast? [1956]
New York Times -
19 Jan 2014 | New York Times / 19 Jan 2014 |
7 | Stage part of Driving Miss Daisy
The Guardian Quiptic -
09 Jan 2012 | The Guardian Quiptic / 09 Jan 2012 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Over-the-line driver
Selfish driver
Dangerous driver
Highway menace
Bully driving animal under carriageway
Selfishly aggressive driver
One who won't move over
He's no pig, but he won't let others pass
Boorishly reckless driver
Go with Rhoda nervously, a menace behind the wheel
Selfish driver
Dangerous driver
Highway menace
Bully driving animal under carriageway
Selfishly aggressive driver
One who won't move over
He's no pig, but he won't let others pass
Boorishly reckless driver
Go with Rhoda nervously, a menace behind the wheel
Reckless driver
Selfish and aggressive driver
One driver blocking another, reportedly drove over corner
Boorish driver
Passing concern?
Selfish and dangerous driver
One away from hedge on tarmac, squashed by this inconsiderate type
Driving nuisance
He speeds round in awfully hard turn northward
Swinish driver?
Selfish and aggressive driver
One driver blocking another, reportedly drove over corner
Boorish driver
Passing concern?
Selfish and dangerous driver
One away from hedge on tarmac, squashed by this inconsiderate type
Driving nuisance
He speeds round in awfully hard turn northward
Swinish driver?