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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a diplomatic building where ambassadors live or work • an ambassador and his entourage collectively | ||||||||
90% | 8 | The office or department of a chancellor. | ||||||
noun • a court with jurisdiction in equity • an office of archives for public or ecclesiastic records; a court of public records | ||||||||
29% | 13 | Building diplomatic relations between nations | ||||||
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Diplomatic Building
There is 1 exact and 106 possible answers.
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EMBASSY which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: December 5, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick22 Nov 2023 | Down 13 | |
The Guardian Quick01 Nov 2011 | Down 13 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Building for diplomatic staff | |
2 | Contains diplomatic enclaves such as the Diplomatic Enclave and Foreign Office | |
3 | Diplomatic messenger
The Guardian Quick -
14 Nov 2006 | The Guardian Quick / 14 Nov 2006 |
4 | Diplomatic rep.
New York Times -
23 Sep 1985 | New York Times / 23 Sep 1985 |
5 | One who's diplomatic and urbane, astrologically
New York Times -
13 Aug 2001 | New York Times / 13 Aug 2001 |
6 | The building in Hulu's "Only Murders in the Building"
New York Times Mini -
28 Oct 2023 | New York Times Mini / 28 Oct 2023 |
7 | ___ Building, company headquarters erected in 1908 in New York City, at the time the tallest building in the world
New York Times -
28 Mar 2009 | New York Times / 28 Mar 2009 |
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Home on a Washington row
Diplomatic oasis
Where visas are made
Diplomat's post
Consulate's kin
Part of a Washington row
Excellence is to be found here
Site of many a protest
Diplomatic oasis
Where visas are made
Diplomat's post
Consulate's kin
Part of a Washington row
Excellence is to be found here
Site of many a protest
English singer inside my diplomatic residence
Where a snooker sponsor once showed diplomacy?
Residence of foreign diplomatic representative
English voice penetrates my official residence
___ Row
Ambassador's residence
Singer plugs TV award half-heartedly — it's an important mission
With 47-Down, popular hotel chain
Where an ambassador lives or works
Washington post?
Where a snooker sponsor once showed diplomacy?
Residence of foreign diplomatic representative
English voice penetrates my official residence
___ Row
Ambassador's residence
Singer plugs TV award half-heartedly — it's an important mission
With 47-Down, popular hotel chain
Where an ambassador lives or works
Washington post?