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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • A symbol resembling a horizontal line (–), sometimes together with one or two dots (for example, ⨪ or ÷), which was used in ancient manuscripts and texts to mark a word or passage as doubtful or spurious, or redundant; an obelisk. • A dagger symbol (†), which is used in printed matter as a reference mark to refer the reader to a footnote, marginal note, etc.; beside a person's name to indicate that the person is deceased; or beside a date to indicate that it is a person's death date; an obelisk. | ||||||||
31% | 6 | Double dagger, in printing | ||||||
noun • a character used in printing to indicate a third cross reference or footnote after the asterisk and the dagger have been used | ||||||||
31% | 5 | Dagger signs in printing | ||||||
noun • A symbol resembling a horizontal line (–), sometimes together with one or two dots (for example, ⨪ or ÷), which was used in ancient manuscripts and texts to mark a word or passage as doubtful or spurious, or redundant; an obelisk. • A dagger symbol (†), which is used in printed matter as a reference mark to refer the reader to a footnote, marginal note, etc.; beside a person's name to indicate that the person is deceased; or beside a date to indicate that it is a person's death date; an obelisk. | ||||||||
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New York Times07 Jun 1980 | Down 2 | |
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5 | Printing process involving the holding of printing and non-printing areas. | |
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