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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a moving crowd • a group of many things in the air or on the ground verb • be teeming, be abuzz • move in large numbers | ||||||||
30% | 10 | Migration of particles from crowded regions to less crowded regions | ||||||
noun • (physics) the process in which there is movement of a substance from an area of high concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentration • the spread of social institutions (and myths and skills) from one society to another • the property of being diffused or dispersed • the act of dispersing or diffusing something | ||||||||
26% | 8 | Has patient rooms and wards | ||||||
noun • a health facility where patients receive treatment • a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care | ||||||||
Crowded Wards Need Order To Admit Me
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SWARMED which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic04 Sep 2006 | Across 1 | |
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Similar Clues
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2 | Contains the four wards of East, West, Central, and Rural | |
3 | Migration of particles from crowded regions to less crowded regions | |
4 | Wards (off)
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5 | Wards (off), as an attack
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6 | Wards off
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7 | Wards off, as danger
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08 Apr 2019 | New York Times / 08 Apr 2019 |