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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
verb • cook in liquid | ||||||||
31% | 5 | Partially cook and then cook again | ||||||
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23% | 5 | Word originally meaning to cook before an open fire, later to cook (meat or vegetables) in an oven | ||||||
noun • a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion • negative criticism adjective satellite • (meat) cooked by dry heat in an oven verb • cook with dry heat, usually in an oven • subject to laughter or ridicule | ||||||||
Cook Book Put Up
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BRAISE which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Everyman11 Dec 2016 | Down 20 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Book by Robin Cook
New York Times -
23 May 1981 | New York Times / 23 May 1981 |
2 | Cook book
New York Times -
03 Jun 1984 | New York Times / 03 Jun 1984 |
3 | First and last name of the author of "The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book" | |
4 | Partially cook and then cook again | |
5 | Peg Bracken's "___ to Cook Book"
New York Times -
03 Jan 1986 | New York Times / 03 Jan 1986 |
6 | Place to put stiff and heavy book, not English book
The Guardian Cryptic -
09 Aug 2022 | The Guardian Cryptic / 09 Aug 2022 |
7 | Word originally meaning to cook before an open fire, later to cook (meat or vegetables) in an oven
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
04 Feb 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 04 Feb 2023 |