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99% | 3 | ENO | Exact Match! | |||||
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44% | 3 | The abbreviation for 'Microsoft Shell', a component of Microsoft's Windows operating system | ||||||
noun • a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that controls the degree of pigmentation in melanocytes | ||||||||
33% | 10 | Wrote influential works like 'Absalom and Achitophel' and 'Mac Flecknoe' | ||||||
noun • the outstanding poet and dramatist of the Restoration (1631-1700) | ||||||||
Composer Of The Microsoft Sound Which Ironically He Wrote On A Mac Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times14 Jul 2019 | Across 44 | ENO |
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1 | Brian who composed the "Microsoft sound"
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2 | Composer of "The Microsoft Sound"
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12 May 2011 | New York Times / 12 May 2011 |
3 | Creator of the "Microsoft sound" played when Windows 95 starts
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08 May 2009 | New York Times / 08 May 2009 |
4 | Home of Snowflake, which, ironically, gets very little snow: Abbr.
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04 Dec 2008 | New York Times / 04 Dec 2008 |
5 | The abbreviation for 'Microsoft Shell', a component of Microsoft's Windows operating system | |
6 | Wrote influential works like 'Absalom and Achitophel' and 'Mac Flecknoe' | |
7 | ZZ Top drummer Frank __ (ironically, the only clean-shaven member of the band)
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01 May 2013 | New York Times Bonus / 01 May 2013 |