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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States electrical engineer and inventor (born in Croatia but of Serbian descent) who discovered the principles of alternating currents and developed the first alternating-current induction motor and the Tesla coil and several forms of oscillators (1856-1943) • a unit of magnetic flux density equal to one weber per square meter | ||||||||
44% | 12 | Played Thomas Edison in the film 'Edison, the Man' | ||||||
noun • United States film actor who appeared in many films with Katharine Hepburn (1900-1967) | ||||||||
24% | 4 | Edison's invention | ||||||
noun • a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure • electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity • a rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end) • anything with a round shape resembling a teardrop • lower or hindmost part of the brain; continuous with spinal cord; (`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata) • a rounded dilation or expansion in a canal or vessel or organ | ||||||||
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New York Times10 Jan 2001 | Down 53 | |
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