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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • slender stem-like structure by which some twining plants attach themselves to an object for support | ||||||||
37% | 6 | A step of a spiral staircase; a key or knob for coiling a clock or watch’s spring; a bobbin; or, a horn blower | ||||||
noun • a worker who winds (e.g., a winch or clock or other mechanism) • mechanical device used to wind another device that is driven by a spring (as a clock) • mechanical device around which something can be wound | ||||||||
36% | 10 | Slender and coiling part of a climbing plant | ||||||
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Coiling Shoot Of Climbing Plant
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TENDRIL which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick05 Mar 2009 | Across 10 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "Shoot, shoot, shoot"
New York Times -
27 Sep 2015 | New York Times / 27 Sep 2015 |
2 | A step of a spiral staircase; a key or knob for coiling a clock or watch’s spring; a bobbin; or, a horn blower
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
01 Jul 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 01 Jul 2023 |
3 | Climbing plant, climbing, snags good strip of skin
The Guardian Cryptic -
27 Nov 2015 | The Guardian Cryptic / 27 Nov 2015 |
4 | Coiling shoot of a vine | |
5 | Slender and coiling part of a climbing plant | |
6 | Things to shoot for ... or shoot at
New York Times -
01 Apr 2018 | New York Times / 01 Apr 2018 |
7 | Tree climbing? Have a go at climbing inside a shrub
The Guardian Cryptic -
05 Sep 2002 | The Guardian Cryptic / 05 Sep 2002 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Vine offshoot
Plant's clinging part
Climbing plant's leafless organ
Plant holder
Plant runner
Plant attachment for climbing Ñ wisp of hair
Ivy feature
Climber can hang on using this, naturally
Curly strand
Climbing plant's means of support
Plant's clinging part
Climbing plant's leafless organ
Plant holder
Plant runner
Plant attachment for climbing Ñ wisp of hair
Ivy feature
Climber can hang on using this, naturally
Curly strand
Climbing plant's means of support
Stem by which climbing plant attaches itself
Part of plant I lent doctor by mistake
Nurse at stream said to want climbing aid
Part of plant that clings for support
Shoot with a 10-bore, almost
Twirl endlessly round object? This part of a plant can
Climber to catch up on exercise, we hear
Climber's support
Threadlike part of a plant
Natural thread climbing plants produce to attach to a support
Part of plant I lent doctor by mistake
Nurse at stream said to want climbing aid
Part of plant that clings for support
Shoot with a 10-bore, almost
Twirl endlessly round object? This part of a plant can
Climber to catch up on exercise, we hear
Climber's support
Threadlike part of a plant
Natural thread climbing plants produce to attach to a support