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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye • a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc. • headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim | ||||||||
37% | 9 | Coffee cake toppers | ||||||
noun • A crumbly topping for cakes and quick breads. It is made of sugar, flour, butter, cinnamon, and often chopped nuts. | ||||||||
26% | 12 | Mattress toppers | ||||||
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Coffee To Go Toppers
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LIDS which was last seen in the New York Times Bonus crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a New York Times Bonus crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
Spill hot coffee on, perhapsBach's "Coffee __"
Not genuine: Abbr.
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times Bonus01 Sep 2018 | Down 32 | |
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Similar Clues
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2 | Coffee cake toppers | |
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4 | Estate of an establishment for toppers | |
5 | Felt toppers
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6 | Sweet toppers
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7 | Who said "I like my men like I like my coffee. I don't drink coffee"
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